Monday, June 19, 2006

Arrived In London

After 3 flights and 2 airports we finally arrived in Hethrow airport in london. The flights went well, I slept 80% of the time which always helps, and Hethrow was surprisingly easy to get through with almost no security to speak of.

Tamzin's cousin Rob picked us up from the airport and we went back to his house where we watched the world cup (everyone's crazy about it here) and had dinner. This was followed by a short walk and a visit to a litle pub which was quite an experience.

Its just past 9 at night now and definatly time for bed, seein as how is abou 8am at home!

Will write again soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Vinny, it was great to get your news. Pleased that you were able to sleep on the airplane. Did you get my e-mail about Roger's phone call? He wants you to take some zinc supplements and suggested some medicine for your unsettled stomach. You should be able to get both at any pharmacy. My work e-mail is, if you want to e-mail me here. When do you go to Berlin? Looking forward to your next posting. Love, Mum xox