Thursday, June 22, 2006

Sightseeing in London

Hey Everyone,

We have spent the last 2 days sightseeing through London. On tuesday, our first day here, we went to the natural history and science museums, and had a ride on the London Eye, a huge ferris wheel style thing in the center of London. The views from the top were amazing!

On wednesday we went to Buckingham Palace, which was really nice, the sun was shining and the place was packed with tourists like us. After that we went to the British Museum which was probably my favourite spot yet in london. The building is amazing, and its so eye opening looking at all of the greek artifacts that are over 3000 years old. They also had a display on early humans, where they had the first human toold ever found, which were around 1.8million years old!

Las night we went to a litle English pub which was an experience, they serve tap beer warm here which was not liked by me and tamzin, so we now have to order cold beer. Tamzins aunt and cousins who we are staying with are really nice, we get lovely home cooked meals which we will definatly miss in a few days!

Thats all for now, hopefully i will have some photos soon when i find an electronics shop.

Much love, Vin

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