Monday, July 03, 2006

End of Berlin and London

Carrying on from my last post...

The following day Mark and I went to Checkpoint Charlie, the American controled section of the Berlin Wall. There is a museum there with all the information on Germany before the collapse of the wall. It was quite amazing and neither of us really knew that all this stuff was going on only 15 years ago.

As the weather had been so lovely (around 32+ everyday), the next day we decided to visit one of the lakes of Berlin. Although I cannot remember the name, the lake itself was quite nice and warm, with lots of nice area around it to sunbath.

That trip followed with a visit to a place called Fan Mile, a designated world cup watching area, consisting of about a mile of very wide road sectioned off and filled with giant TV's, Food, Beer, and thousands of screaming fans. We watched the Brazil vs Ghana game and although it was 3 - 1 for Brazil, the atmosphere was still amazing!

This day was a long one, as after watching the 2nd game of the day (France vs Spain) at Marks sisters place, while indulging in some lovely german beer, we decided to head out into the night. We encountered a few strange things that night, but filally after meeting some nice, though slightly annoying scottish girls, we found our way to a all night club called Cafe Burger where we stayed until we stumbled home at around 7 or 8 in the morning.

The next day was a quiet one, as we jsut visited Marks Grandma and Auntie, with whom we sat in a park and drank coffee with. It was quite a nice day, and thankfully it wasnt as hot, it had dropped to around 28. Marks sister cooked us a lovely dinner that night, and my help in preparing it was entertaining Yoko, marks neice. She is such a cute little girl!

I then flew back to London the following day, and have spent the last 4 days relaxing in London at Alices house. We went to the Theater on my first night here, and saw a show from apparntly one of the most famous playrites ever, directed by one of the best directors of this time. It was really good! I watched the England Portugal game in a pub , where i was unable to express my joy of Portugal winning, as i do like the idea of keeping all of my teeth in my mouth. Everyone there was extreemly pissed off and angry, so i just pretended to be sad...

Tonight I am seeing my second cousin once removed or whatever she is, which should be nice, and then tomorrow afternoon I am flying out to Portugal! where i can show my thankfulness that they won, and watch the semifinal in a place where i hope the fans will be a little more peaceful! I hope this weather holds, i cannot wait for the lovely beaches of Portugal!

Anyway thats all for now, I will write again as soon as possible,

Lots of Love,


S said...

MARKY'S NIECE IS SO CUTE! and dude, i was so sad about the england game that i would've knocked your teeth out myself haha. i want germany to win so badly. i was going for argentina until they were knocked out actually, i'll let you know why when i talk to you, you'll laugh hahahahah. as you can tell i change my team on a daily basis. great. anyways, looks like you're having fun my friend. when do you meet up with tamzin again? miss you loads xx

Anonymous said...

Yay Vinny!... Awesome to hear from you man. Sounds like your having a wicked time in Europe. Im having fun in Canada. Im sorry to say though... You know that Germany is gonna win the cup. I want portugal to beat the frenchys though. I think they are both pretty strong teams at the mo. Hey Vinny your da bomb! Live it up in europe and all the best for your trip.
Peace out mofo..

Anonymous said...

Cup, shmup! What was the play you saw? If you get back to London don't miss The Lion King (should be able to get cheap-ish tickets on the day - my treat).
