Saturday, July 08, 2006


And we find ourselves in Portugal!

We flew into a place called Porto on the night of the 4th, just in time to see Germany loose to Italy, which put me in very bad spirits. That soon changed though as we realised how anazing Porto was! The people are so relaxed and friendly, a very welcome change after spending time on the london underground during rush hour!

The next day we set out to find the beach, a walk that took about 2 hours, but was very well worth it in the end. It was a white sand surf beach, with freezing cold atlantic water, but this didnt matter as it was 30 degrees out and I was swimming no matter what. Even at neck depth I could still see my feet at the bottoma and the little fish swimming around!

That night was the very sad game between Portugal and France. The portugese attitude to the game is different though, and even though they lost everyone was still very happy that night when me and emile went out on the town. The night life was wicked, though we found ourselves at a place called Vogue with a bouncer who thought he was to cool for us...

Me and Tamzin then caught a bus to Lisbon, the country´s capital. After a little while we managed to find accomadation in an amazing place in the center of lisbon. We had a room on the 5th floor with a balcony looking out onto a street with restaurants and buskers. It was quite a cool experience.

Lisbon is a very beautiful city, with a castle in the middle of it on a big hill. I visited the castle and hopefull soon i can find a computer where i can upload photos, so i can showw everyone how amazing it was!

We are now about to head off to the south of portugal, to a place called Lagos. It is ment to be one of the most beautiful places in portugal with amzing beaches and very hot temperatures, so i think 5 days of lying on beaches is waithing for me!

Anyway that is only a brief description of the country that I have grown to love, to decribe everything good about it would take another few hours...

Email me or comment on here, i love hearing from everyone!

Love to all,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea Yea Yea

I get to be the first to comment :) SO nice to hear from you the other day vinny, yay and now I want to live in Portugal!!! It sounds super nice, i can't wait to see the photos. Anyway, and so i finished my summative on friday.. i had another work project due monday that i finished yesterday (saturday) and now today i sunday i don't really know what to do with myself! Maybe transport myself to portugal.. oh sigh *
Oh i have a race at 1pm and yoga at 4pm so it is life as usual..

keep enjoyin urself and send pics!!!

Hi to Tamzin :)

P xoxoxoxox